Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bumper sticker logic

The philosophy is simple and it is lived out each day at the dog park. Once again, we humans could learn a lot from our canine pals: wag more, bark less.

At the park this morning, the sun was shining, but a chill was in the air. The parking lot was full. Dogs were barking to be released from back seats and rear cargo holds. Once released, though, it was all wags and smiles.

I've been trying to limit Gracie's activities at the park. She's been limping around a lot lately. The vet thinks it's arthritis in her left rear knee and right rear hip. This makes me nervous. She's not even 4 yet. I can't keep her from being a dog, though. I love watching her at the dog park. She runs up to almost every human out there, shows them her ball (carried happily in her mouth at all times), turns her fanny to them for a quick butt pat or scratch and then dashes off to the next human. Almost to the person, I see their face light up as if Gracie has singled them out for special attention.

Imagine if we greeted not only our friends, but also strangers with the same exuberance that the dogs exhibit at the park. Even the barking I hear at the park is a shout of joy -- mostly from the hound dogs just arriving.

Wag more, bark less is the tag line of a dog food brand, Cloud Star. They make yummy treats for dogs - especially dogs with sensitive tummies and food allergies. (Gracie falls into the first category, although you'd never know it by the junk she eats.) In addition, to fine dog treats, the company also contributes 10% of its net profits to various non-profits to benefit animals, women, children and the environment. Here's a company living out their motto.

We've been hearing a lot lately about what our country needs to get through the difficult days ahead. As for me, I'm going to try to live out my new bumper sticker and wag more, bark less.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Me and Pig...Part 2

That dumb dog. Everything she does is cute and adorable. She has a million toys and what do I get? One lousy mouse stuffed with some sub-par catnip. I can't even enjoy that without Miss Nosey stealing it away from me. And does she get scolded? No! But let me raise one paw in her direction and next thing I know I'm chucked outside. I use to be king of this castle...sleeping in bed with mom, ruling the house. Now, Little Miss Princess of Everything gets all the attention.

But I got and Pig, indeed!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Me and Pig

Editor's note: Today's blog is written by Gracie as communicated through a series of woofs, yarps, rrrrrs and barks to her companion, Beth.

Mom brought Pig home about 4 months ago. I like to tear up stuff toys. They are squishy and I want to see what's in side. It might be food. But it never is. could be.

Pig was different. He wasn't squishy except for his head. But his feet made an irritating squeaky noise. Until I broke them. I don't think I hurt Pig. His feet never tore.

Pig is my favorite. I like to cuddle with him almost as much as I do my mom. Yesterday it was cold and damp outside. Mom sat in her favorite recliner. I wanted to cuddle with her, but also wanted to hug Pig. Mom laid Pig across the arm of the chair so I could cuddle with both of them.

At night I sometimes forget to bring Pig to bed with me. That's a hassle 'cause then I have to get off the bed and go look for him. Sometimes I'm so tired that I can't jump on the bed with Pig in my mouth. Mom says I look pathetic...I think that's a good thing, 'cause then she takes Pig and places him on the bed, and then gives me a boost. I try to look pathetic a lot.

Next to living with my mom and my cat, Mungo, Pig is the best thing in my life. I'm glad he didn't have anything squishy inside him. I'd hate to think I might have tore him up for no good reason.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Spread a little hope...and bark chips!

Today marks the birthday of Martin Luther King. For the first time in the 19 years I've worked for SAIF, we were given the day off...and a challenge: spend your holiday giving back. I probably would have ignored this if not for the prodding and example set by some of my coworkers who devote themselves to serving others. In an ad hoc committee meeting, my name was raised, I was approached, and, since the "giving back" involved one of my favorite places - the Minto Brown Dog Park - I agreed.

We had a glorious day for spreading bark chips along the muddy trails. As you'll recall, just a few weeks ago, the park was mostly under water. But today was one of those confusing Oregon winter days - brisk chill in the early morning hours giving way to a pleasant high 40s, sunshine and blue sky. (We all know the rain will return, but in the meantime, we lie to ourselves saying this is how the weather always is in January!)

I happily greeted six co-workers along with three additional family members and four dogs at 9 a.m. at the still frosty dog park. As an added bonus, two other ladies who had heard about our endeavors asked to join us. We divied up chores and set about to move a mound of bark chips to the muddy trails. The Minto Brown Dog Park does not allow motorized vehicles, so moving all the wood chips was down by wheelbarrow, pitchfork and rake (all graciously provided by the City of Salem).
The crew worked steadily and cheerfully for a good two-half hours. Clearly a lot of physical labor for us office workers! Our dogs enjoyed themselves spending their time playing with each other, greeting other dogs in the park and inspecting our bark spreading abilities.

It might be the timing of this MLK Day. We are on the cusp of a momentous inauguration. A glimmer of hope in these dim days is breaking through. The idealist in me seems to be gaining a foothold. We didn't cure cancer today. We didn't solve the world's hunger crisis. We didn't restore the stock market. But we made a few trails less muddy and were thanked by those walking by.

Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

And the rain came down...

Our more typical Oregon winter resumed on January 1, 2009 with a relentless rain storm. The rain came down all day long while Gracie and I curled up in the recliner and watched reruns of NYPD Blue. On Saturday, the clouds parted and the sun made a brief and lukewarm, appearance. We headed to the dog park.

I wasn't surprised to see that the pond at the entrance to the park had overflowed its banks and spread into the adjoining wheat field. But as I followed the road into the park, I was surprised to see the water lapping at the edge of the road. When I pulled into the dog park parking lot, I could see the extent of the flooding. Half of the dog park field was under 1 - 2 feet of water.

Gracie could not believe her good fortune! Water at the dog park - this is the BEST DAY EVER! She and several other dogs played for a good hour in the water, fetching tennis balls, playing chase and tormenting the field mice trying to get to higher ground. All we humans could do was stand at water's edge and hope that we remembered to bring towels. (Being an experienced lab owner, I usually have at least 2 towels in the car at all times.)

I was finally able to coax Gracie back to the car. When we got home, I tried to hose off some of the muck. For a dog who had just spent an hour splashing in the frigid flood water of the park, she acted like the hose water was killing her. Finally got her feet washed off and her whole body dried off. She slept really well that night!