Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I've noticed that some of my fellow bloggers have begun a tradition called Thankful Thursday. I think it is always a good thing to take stock in life's blessings and to practice gratitude.

April 2, Dad was diagnosed with cancer and treatment ensued. On April 19, Gracie tore her meniscus and ACL at the dog park. Surgery followed on April 27. In between, we've all battled colds, potty breaks in the rain and wind, fatigue and mental weariness. In fact, I tried to hold a pity party for myself last week and found I was just to exhausted to even muster a tear. Instead, I think I'd rather spend my time on gratitude. So here it is, a short list, in no particular order:
  • Dad only has 4 treatments left. He'll be done on Wednesday May 13.

  • Gracie's surgery went well. She seems to be healing well. The swelling is markedly down. She still makes me laugh every day.

  • The sun is shining...for now.

  • Mom & Dad paid for Gracie's surgery. I think they are finally resigned to the fact that my sister and I will produce no grandchildren for them other than dogs and cats. They will dote on them accordingly.

  • My sister's visit and care of Mom and Dad timed perfectly with Gracie's need for surgery and initial recovery. I couldn't have done it without her here.

  • Good friends and good co-workers who share my heartache over an injured, albeit recovering, dog and who help me keep everything in perspective.

  • A faith firmly rooted in the ultimate display of love, sacrifice and forgiveness.

I like this notion of Thankful Thursday and will try to carry it forward - if not in the blog world, at least in my heart.


Steve Cotton said...

Thanks for the post. It makes my morning post look plain whiney.

Unknown said...

It is all about perspective isn't it. Being able to find the silver lining. Not so easy to do when you're in the thick of it but going through the process of reflection helps bring that out. Thanks

Unknown said...

Thanks for reminding me to be Thankful. Thankful Thursday sounds like a good idea that I may consider myself. Enjoy your day!