Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A boy and his dog

My friend Steve's beloved golden retriever, Professor Jiggs, died in the wee hours of the morning today. He was a grand old dog of 13 years. He breathed his last lying next to his best pal and constant companion.

You can read Steve's tribute on his blog.

When Jiggs entered Steve's life in 1996 a transformation began. Steve, a fastidious and, some might say (but I never would), obsessive complusive neat-freak, saw his lifestyle markedly changed by that golden puppy. I think in many ways Steve's priorities shifted that day Jiggs entered his life. He became more carefree and more spontaneous. He may beg to differ, but this is what I saw - the before and after.

Isn't it amazing that dogs can impact our lives so? The motto of this blog is: Dogs are not are whole lives, but they make our lives whole. They truly do.

Rest in peace, Professor. You led a long and glorious life and brought many smiles to all of us. Find comfort in your memories, Steve. You always did right by Jiggs and gave him a life to be envied.

To everyone else...hug your dog today and say "thank you."


Steve Cotton said...

Thank you very much, Beth. Jiggs truly was a transforming force.

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

I had an early morning email from Steve and it hit me hard. I hugged and hugged Sitka and had a hard time leaving for work.

AMY said...

There's been a change in my to-do list today. I've marked all the rest off and put on first, find a way to stop crying and then second, take the dogs out for some fun.

I loved reading about Steve and Jiggs; it's always wonderful to read about such great human/canine relationships.

I didn't know either of them, aside from reading the blog. But his story is so familiar that I can't help but go to that place that I've been to three times already, but know I'll be again at least two, and no doubt many more times in the future.

May I someday garner the composure that Steve seems to have cultivated.

Christine said...

Yup. You got it. 100% from my point of view.